Prior to leaving, I saw this sweet die cast burnout on Dave's desk at work!
Public Service Announcement... Butler County style!
I'm honestly curious what type of person would use transmission syncros purchased from a foam cooler?
This thing was cruising around in the mud.
Ian was super excited about this three-wheeler. Honestly though, who wouldn't be excited about it?
This old Mercedes was advertised as "fresh out of the barn!" The barn must have had 12" of standing salt water inside, because the entire suspension and floor had rotted away to nothing.
I wonder if the tape is holding the glass in?
I was the only one who purchased anything all evening, but I managed to score some Stahlwille flexible nut drivers (5-8mm) for only $12! The seller either didn't know or care what they were, these sell for $30 each and will be super handy for VW repairs.
Here in this blog, words themselves are creating that scenario where there is a lot of mayhem and serendipity along with a silent isolation. Rarely found to see such skill and enthusiasm.ลุมพินีพระราม3