Sunday, January 6, 2019

Back to the Jetta, I decided to test fit the Girling 60 front brakes.

They aren't as visible through the wheels as I hoped, but that's OK.

Since these brakes weren't designed to fit this car, I had to modify the rotor a little bit.  Most people fitting these brakes grind the inside of the caliper for clearance, but I decided to modify the rotor instead.

Mounted up in the lathe.  I bolted to the face of an old hub so I could indicate it concentric to the spindle rather than simply gripping in the 3-jaw chuck.

My lathe only goes down to 60 RPM.  At an 11" diameter, this works out to roughly double the recommended cutting speed (SFM) for high speed steel turning tools in cast iron.  I had to re-sharpen a few times, but it worked out alright!

Perfect gap!


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