Sunday, January 6, 2019


For the past few years, my shop space has been a mess.  Before I started grad school, back in 2015, I was thrashing to complete as many Jetta-related projects as possible at the expense of organization.  Over the past 3 years, any free time went directly to working on stuff rather than organizing or cleaning.  Now that I have a little more time, I focused some effort on cleaning and organizing my space!

Starting with some drawer organization, I whipped up this tray for my puller drawer.  I don't use this stuff very often, so I made this tray so I can stack things in one drawer instead of taking up two.

I also added some Schaller bins to the drawer where I store bolts and fixtures.

My measurement and layout drawer has been a mess, so I cleaned it up with even more Schaller bins.  Now everything has a place and can't move around too much.  By the way, the empty bin was for a metric feeler gauge set which is now filled.

I reorganized one of my punch drawers, this drawer is primarily Facom in molded trays.

I whipped up this shitty wooden material rack. It isn't my proudest work, but it's on casters for easy mobility and holds everything I want!  Also shown in the background are some dollies I made for storing wheels.  These are made from the $10 Harbor Freight moving dollies with some scrap pieces of wood added.

I made this box from plywood scraps, Harbor Freight casters, and an old VW box.  I filled it with carpet and seat parts, and it fits perfectly under the bench.

Some Akro Mils plastic bins for even more organization:

The bins under my lathe hold small round scraps of various materials.

These bins hold used hardware.  It's really handy to have a variety of old bolts around, and now I can keep them organized.

I also rearranged and cleaned up my "finished parts" rack, and consolidated some of my spare parts to the bottom shelf for ballast.

Whipped up a box for spare axles from plywood scraps

And of course, some new tools!  Snap-on purchases:

PB Swiss Black Friday:

Some 3/8' drive impact deals from Cripe Distributing on eBay:

After cleaning everything up, I moved the Jetta out of the way to sweep and mop.  Now I'm ready to get back to work!

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