Monday, March 26, 2012

They're doing construction in the parking lot at work.  As I was leaving for lunch, a gust of wind blew a surveyors tripod directly into my quarter panel as I drove past!  The guys weren't too happy, I'm sure their smashed laser transit was worth more than a couple hours of panel repair.  I got their insurance info, hopefully it gets fixed without much trouble. 

I received a couple more old Blue Point body hammers - another BF611 and another BF603.  I got a smokin' deal on these two so I couldn't pass them up.  I already have both of these hammers so I won't resore them right away.  There are traces of red paint on these, so they could possibly be pre-war.

I went to my parents house for some spring cleaning this weekend.  The main focus was my old bedroom.

It was just as I left it - a huge fucking mess!  Check out those sweet Ferrari posters.

I found a kids size DeWalt T-shirt from 1995.  I was 10 and I wore it almost every day!

I found this kick ass Grave Digger poster.  I also found 4 shirts, a hat, and a bunch of Monster Jam ticket stubs haha. 

I sanded for a few more hours.  The trans is almost ready!  I probably have 2-3 more nights of sanding before it's ready for epoxy primer.  I don't plan on polishing the section around the axles, I'm going to paint it a different shade of ultra-flat black for some contrast.

1 comment:

  1. It was pretty gusty out today. That sucks, but hopefully you'll get a check without much red tape. Keep up the thorough work dude.

